"Photography takes an instant out of time altering life by holding it still" ~ Dorothea Lange

Monday, July 4, 2011

Red.....is everywhere!

What a fitting color to look for on this day for all the ones in the US, though I think this color is quite popular and can probably be found anywhere.

Here are my finds;

I can't believe this little guy has survived as long as he has.

Such a colorful,hardy and messy plant to have.

Happy 4th of July!
I love the U S A
In honor of all those who have served and for the ones still serving and all their families this is my submission.
Project64 / week 26 / Red

Have a safe and fun Monday!


  1. Very nice photo of the flag! Red was one of my favorite colors growing up.

  2. beautiful perspective on Old Glory. Love the other two as well.

  3. I LOVE the picture of the flag! Great perspective.

  4. Great red captures. Love the flag.

  5. I really love the fish! What a wonderful colour he is, and those fins!! The plant looks like paper, it is lovely.

  6. My boys got some goldfish a few weeks ago and I can NOT believe they are still swimming! Amazing. Lovely red, my friend!


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