"Photography takes an instant out of time altering life by holding it still" ~ Dorothea Lange

Friday, January 21, 2011

I don't know what I'm doing up at this time of the night......I know it's not too late but believe me I should be sleeping.
Last night we all went to bed as we normally do around here but by midnight our oldest child woke up throwing up and basically continued for most of the night of and on until about 5am. That's the last time he did it. Needless to say I barely got 3 or so hours of sleep. He is doing a lot better, his doctor said that most likely something didn't agree with him. I'm so glad he is feeling better because I hate to see my boys sick; it's so draining both physically and mentally(so if something doesn't make sense, bare with me).

You might ask why pictures of bubbles...well let me explain! For some reason every time any of my boys get sick I want to move them into a bubble so that they don't have to be in pain and I'm sure I'm not the only one that has ever though of that. Of course I know that not only is it not possible it also wouldn't be fair to them.

When my oldest was born he had to stay a week longer in the hospital and when we were finally able to get him home that's when the very first though about putting a bubble around him came to me. That hour drive was one of the longest of my entire life.

So today was a very relaxed kind of day. there wasn't much done around the house. We watched movies, read books and in between that I did a few loads of laundry from the previous night and made soup. I spent a day completely focused on my fast growing boys and I know they notice these kind of things because today I got "Thank you for taking care of me and for everything you do" but the best thing is A(my oldest) told me "Mommy when you and daddy get older but I mean really, really older and I am older too; if you guys get sick I will take good care of you guys"   Thank you God, for allowing me to know this feeling of being a mother to my sweet little boys.

This two images were fun to capture. They aren't the best quality(taken inside the house just half hour ago with horrible lighting) but I couldn't resist to play with them and I wanted to share them.
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  1. OMGosh, that last paragraph got me all choked up. :*) You are one blessed woman!!! : )!! I'm glad that your little guy is feeling better. Cool bubbles pic too, btw ; )

  2. Loving the photos....and I can relate to your blog entry..ever since I heard that first cry I felt like having a bubble around my son..Where nothing or nobody could hurt him...I think it's a mother's instinct to protect but when they are born under difficult circumstances like my son was..we always tend to over protect..well at least I know I did..lol...But you know Life has given me lessons that I will not forget..and even though we went through rough times I would not change a thing...All my experiences just made me cherish and value the true meaning of being a mother....Congrats on ur blog its awesome :)


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